FII FigTree Renda Educacional
FIGTREE EDUCATIONAL INCOME is a Real Estate Investment Fund (REIT) with a strategy focused on the 'Sale and Lease Back' model, concentrating on the acquisition of high-quality educational assets in strategically located areas with renowned tenants. The fund's primary goal is to ensure stability and longevity in the distribution of dividends.
General information
Fund Inception: 02/05/2024
Name: FII FigTree Education Income
CNPJ: 52.983.789/0001-41
Target Audience: Qualified Investors
Management Fee: 1.10% p.a.
Performance Fee: 15% on IPCA + 10.00%
Manager: FigTree Capital
Fiduciary Administrator: BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros S.A. DTVM
Custodian: BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros S.A. DTVM
Master Servicer: Empírica Gestão de Cobranças e Garantias LTDA
Real Estate Consultant: MPZ Intermediação e Agenciamento de Serviços LTDA